brianandtrevors in Greater Manchester is your audio centre of excellence for reference demonstrations, sales, installation, service, upgrades, advice and aftercare.
We always remember our first experiences as hi-fi enthusiasts - and as customers, comparing different brands of audio systems - and then discovering the thrill of listening to our favourite recordings through great hi-fi systems and how recorded music became alive, realistic and truly moving. Our passion for music goes way back - Brian studied violin and guitar and Trevor, drums. Brian's sons grew up with Linn music systems in the family home. They now have music degrees and are professional multi-instrumentalists.
Better than any hi-fi shop, we are an audio consultancy. Our music demonstration rooms are inside a house, in real living rooms and real living spaces, so you discover how we make your music sound as real in your home - music in one room, or whole home audio. brianandtrevors is a real house where you discover how music should sound in your home.
We always remember our first experiences as hi-fi enthusiasts - and as customers, comparing different brands of audio systems - and then discovering the thrill of listening to our favourite recordings through great hi-fi systems and how recorded music became alive, realistic and truly involving and moving.
We offer personal demonstrations, advice, sales, installation, service and aftercare.
We combine forty years of audio knowledge and experience; our customer service standards and expertise are second to none.
For the best performance from any audio system - talk to us. Book a personal demonstration and you will hear why.
Our website is designed to enable you to review our product range, request a demonstration from any of the product pages, and to request product information from any of the product pages. Our website also offers an on-line shopping facility for accessories.
We specialise in best demonstration, sales and best-practice installation of analogue and digital components, stereo music systems, multi-channel music systems, home cinema systems and networked multi-room music systems. We have the best domestic demonstration facilities available in a real home for you to discover how we can make music sound real in your home.
We offer straightforward and professional expertise to help you improve the way you, your partners, families and friends feel at home with simply better sound for music and movies. From single systems for music and movies to network music throughout the home - the listening experience at brianandtrevors is so good that demonstrations can last for hours.
Take a tour of our website and read our news and events page for the latest information, or simply call us to chat.
+44 (0) 161 766 4837
Personal Service. Appointments Only. 10AM - 8PM. Last appointment 6pm. Sundays by prior arrangement.
We offer a range of components and systems specifically chosen for top performance of music.
brianandtrevors is situated in a large, comfortable Victorian home with the range of systems installed without compromise for personalised demonstrations in each of the four principal living rooms. brianandtrevors is in a real house to enable you to discover what great music systems can do for you in your home.
We offer individual, personalised demonstrations, sales, installation and aftercare for audio components and systems. We help you choose the best audio components and systems for your requirements by demonstrating the range of performance options so that you can decide for yourself.
We install and register your purchase to ensure the ultimate and continued performance of any component or system.
We regularly update our news and events page so please review for current information. In addition to special evening events at brianandtrevors, to appreciate the complete audition experience we see clients by appointment, one client at a time, Monday - Saturday 10am-8pm and Sundays by prior arrangement.
Contact us to discover how we make music sound real in your home!
Registered Office: Peine House, Hind Hill Street, Heywood 0L10 1JZ.
Our registered office is not our delivery address - please contact us if you do not have our delivery address.
We have been collectively involved in the audio industry for over forty years – Trevor from 1984 working for an Oxford audio dealer, and Brian, joining Linn Products in 1990 and meeting Trevor who had joined Linn Products in 1989.
Working for Linn Products appealed to us as Hi-Fi enthusiasts because it involved every aspect of product understanding and system installation. The knowledge and experience we gained at Linn prepared us for the two audio consultancies we now own and run – House of Linn and brianandtrevors.
We set up House of Linn in 2007 as an appointment-only audio consultancy to specialise exclusively in Linn, offering the range of Linn components and systems together with reference demonstrations, sales, installation, service, upgrades, advice and aftercare. We are Europe's Leading Linn Specialist and deliver the full customer benefits of Linn's integrated capability.
In 2009, we established brianandtrevors (because that’s how our clients referred to us!), to offer a broader range of components and solutions we listened to extensively and liked.
Brianandtrevors and House of Linn are situated in a large, comfortable Victorian home, and unlike shop dem rooms, our systems are installed in real rooms, without compromise for the best performance, to give a pretty good idea of the performance expected in any home.
We always remember our first experiences as hi-fi enthusiasts - and as customers, comparing different brands of audio systems - discovering the thrill of listening to our favourite recordings and how recorded music became alive, realistic and truly moving.
Whether your appointment is with brianandtrevors or House of Linn, we specialise in best advice, demonstration, sales and installation of analogue and digital components and loudspeakers for stereo and multi-channel music systems, home cinema systems, network music streamers and networked multi-room music systems.
We are an appointment-only audio consultancy
Since we began our consultancy journey in 2007, we have made more than one thousand appointments for visits to us from the UK and overseas. We have extremely high client retention.
Individual, personalised demonstrations, sales, installation and aftercare
Our relaxing home environment is ideal to meet, relax, discuss, understanding the customer requirement, and to listen.
We are a pressure-free zone!
Great domestic demonstration facilities available in a real home to discover how music can sound in your home.
We help you choose the best audio components and systems for your requirements by demonstrating a range of performance options so that you can decide for yourself.
Straightforward and professional expertise
Single systems for music and movies to network music throughout the home and whole home audio - the listening is so good that demonstrations do last for hours.
Improve the way you, your partners, families and friends feel at home with simply better sound for music and movies.
We deliver!
We install your purchase to ensure the ultimate and continued performance of a component or system.
We regularly update our news and events page so please review for current information.
We see clients by appointment, one client at a time:
Monday - Saturday 10am-10pm:
Telephone: 0161 766 4837
Because of our Linn heritage as past employees of Linn Products we have been asked on many occasions by our clients and others about our former employment history with Linn. This comprehensive synopsis describes about how we came to work for Linn Products, our roles at Linn, and why we left our employment in 2007 after lengthy careers with Linn to subsequently create and fund our own Linn retail specialist consultancy - House of Linn.
This section includes information about us and our work as Linn staff members from 1989 – 2007. Brian’s responsibilities included Linn’s PR and Marketing (1990-2007). Trevor was a Linn UK Sales Account Manager (1989-2007), a role that also included responsibilities in other countries and markets.
With our immersion in the Linn culture and products for so many years, and in our different roles at Linn we visited many Linn retailers in the UK and overseas, some of whom represented and demonstrated Linn superbly and others who did not. Frustrated by this, and after years discussing how we could create our own Linn retail consultancy, we eventually left our employment with Linn in 2007 to invest our funds and establish House of Linn Ltd. as an independent Linn retail consultancy that “does Linn right”.
We formed House of Linn as a "Linn Centre of Excellence "(Ivor's description published by the audio press in 2007 after we had formally announced our departure from Linn Products to establish House of Linn as our own independent business).
Since formation in 2007, House of Linn has operated from a real house, with real listening rooms and real living spaces, all networked for music, to create the Linn experience at home for our clients to experience. We designed and created the House of Linn website to comprehensively offer the Linn product range, for requesting information and for making demonstration appointments with us. There is also an on-line shop for buying Linn accessories and approved used and ex-dem Linn components. We demonstrate, sell, install and aftercare the entire Linn product range. On average, circa 4,000 people each month have viewed www.houseoflinn.com since we began business.
Before joining Linn we were Linn customers and Linn LP12 Sondek owners; and the same music and hi-fi enthusiasts we are today. We have installed Linn components and Linn systems for almost 25 years, and together now combine almost 50 years’ experience of Linn’s products and values.
We are Expert Linn Retailers. Our technical skills across the range of Linn products are unbeatable as is our knowledge of Linn’s products old and new. We have been pleased to get to know our many clients who value our Linn skill and expertise with regard to turntable setup and system and network installations. We routinely service and set-up Linn turntables, Linn electronics, Linn systems and Linn network music systems. We offer the knowledge we gained working for Linn - our Linn expertise and services - to hundreds of clients in the UK and in Europe.
At Linn, our work with and for Ivor and the Linn sales teams was exhilarating, hard, fun and just mildly evangelical! Trevor in his Linn sales role with UK and overseas Linn dealers and distributors and at audio shows. Brian had the privilege of meeting and briefing some of the most notable audio journalists, reviewers and editors, and the critical role of installing Linn products and systems for review by the audio press and at audio shows in the UK, America, and Scandinavia and in other European countries. Read some of these reviews below.
Brian & Trevor History 1989 - 2007.
Brian Morris
Prior to joining Linn, studied violin and guitar, worked as a marketing professional in the manufacturing, advertising and research sectors, and in 1989 designed a self-completion customer survey for Linn to mail to its customer database. This survey, the largest and most comprehensive Linn had undertaken, yielded an extraordinarily high response rate providing valuable data and insights about the Linn buying process, the customer retail experience of Linn and, more importantly, the impact and benefits that Linn ownership can bring to the enjoyment of recorded music and how listening to music through a Linn system expands upon core tastes in music to include a much wider repertoire. I knew from experience how Linn had enriched personal enjoyment and curiosity in a broader spectrum of recorded music; and the immeasurable benefits to my children growing up with a variety of Linn systems, listening, learning, appreciating an increasingly broader selection of music from our large record collection through Linn systems. Not surprisingly, having grown up engaging with music through Linn systems, my sons are now professionally trained musicians and multi instrumentalists with music degrees.
Employed by Linn in the UK from 1992-2007, initially as Marketing Manager working with Ivor, and later managing and developing Linn PR in the UK, the USA, and other countries in Europe from the mid 1990's through to 2007. As Linn's PR, presented, briefed, press released and installed Linn components and Linn systems for equipment reviews in the media and installed Linn systems for audio shows in the UK and internationally. Many of the press reviews and links to those reviews from this period are referenced below, especially from the USA, having spent a significant amount of time supporting Linn’s distribution into this market at that time with frequent and extensive visits to the USA to develop Linn's press relations generating news, product reviews and some corporate coverage in the American audio press. On the walls at Linn HQ in Glasgow, there are a dozen or so cover reprints of the press coverage for key products during the decade or so from the mid 1990's. Many of these published Linn reviews can now be found online, from Linn turntable reviews to full Linn stereo and home cinema systems of the day, including the groundbreaking CD12 and Klimax amplification. Links to these reviews are below.
Trevor Liddle
One of my main objectives with Linn was working with retailers throughout UK, Europe, Scandinavia and the Middle East to make a better sound with Linn for themselves and their customers. This included training Linn dealers in proper LP12 set up of Linn systems and components and running LP12 Klinniks and product launches, and from the mid 1990’s, running LP12 retraining courses for Linn dealers in the UK and for some dealers in other countries.
Before joining Linn, worked in audio and hi-fi retailing selling Linn and other quality brands and played drums in a number of local bands in and around my Oxford hometown. Employed by Linn from 1989 - 2007 in the UK sales team as Sales Account Manager working with UK retailers and also overseas retailers and distributors. “Thrown into the deep end” by Linn during first week with presentations at the Bristol Hi-Fi Show in 1989, with more of the same during subsequent annual “Live” shows at Earls Court in London, regular Linn Factory tours for customers and the Hear Linn Live regional events in the mid-90s.
Supported Linn systems with music events for passengers on board the QE2 from Hawaii to Auckland, in addition to regularly supporting Linn distributors in Europe, Scandinavia and the Middle East. Responsible for maintaining Linn’s standards across the retail network as Linn expanded its product range from the mid 1990s. This included terminating a significant number of Linn dealers who fell short of expectations as well as those who did not want to deal with Linn any further. Took time off from Linn during this period to obtain a recording engineering qualification and rejoined the company in 2004.
Note from Brian about Linn reviews:
Some of the key Linn USA product reviews below, most products and all Linn systems were installed for review by Brian.
There were also many Linn reviews in the audio press from other countries; however the US reviews in the USA are the most accessible and freely available on-line.
Linn Source Component Reviews
Linn Linto phono preamplifier review by Wes Phillips Stereophile 1998
Linn Sondek CD12 CD Player Review by Wes Phillips, Stereophile, 1999
Linn Sondek CD12 review 1999 Part 1
Linn Sondek CD12 review1999 Part 2
MY LINN LP-12 DREAM, by Harvey Rosenberg Meta-Gizmo.net 2000
Conversation with Brian Morris 2002
Linn Sondek LP12 review Stereotimes 2002
Linn Sondek LP12 review Stereotimes 2003
Linn LP12 Review by Michael Fremer, Stereophile 2003
Linn Ekos SE tonearm, Keel LP12 Subchassis, & Trampolin Turntable Base Review by Art Dudley, Stereophile 2003
Linn Unidisk 1.1 Review by David Robinson , Positive Feedback Magazine 2004
Linn Sondek LP12 Turntable review by Bryan Southard , Audio Revolution 2004
Linn Majik CD Player Review by art Dudley, Stereophile Magazine 2007
Linn Ikemi CD Player review, Dagogo.com
Linn Ikemi CD Player review
Linn Adikt MM Cartridge review
Linn at Glenn Poor, Chicago 2007
Linn Amplification Reviews
Linn Klimax Solo Power Amplifier Review by Jonathan Scull, Stereophile. 1999
Linn Klimax Kontrol Preamplifier and Klimax Twin Power Amplifier Review by Art Dudley, Stereophile, 2003
Linn Klimax Twin review 2003
Linn Klimax Kontrol review 2004
Linn Klimax Kontrol Preamplifier review, Stereotimes.com
Linn Klimax Kontrol Preamplifier review 2004
Linn Kisto Preamp / Processor / System Controller Review, by Michael Fremer Home Theater Magazine 2005
Linn Klimax Twin review by Wes Phillips
Linn Loudspeaker Reviews
Linn Komri loudspeaker Review by Jonathan Scull, Stereophile, 2002
Linn Akurate Launch Event 2003
Linn 328A Professional Loudspeakers Launch at Fantasy Studios, Berkeley 2003
Linn Sizmik Review by Ian White, enjoythemusic.com 2003
Linn SIZMIK subwoofer review Positive Feedback 2003
Linn Komri Reference Monitor loudspeaker Review by David W. Robinson, Positive Feedback Magazine
Linn Akurate Speaker System Review by Michael Trei, Home Theater Magazine 2005
Linn System Reviews
Linn Keltik Aktiv System Review by David Robinson, Positive Feedback Magazine 1998
Linn AV 51 System review by Michael Fremer Home Theater Magazine 1999
Linn Classik review
Linn Classik and Kan Review by Steve Rochlin, enjoythemusic.com 1996
The Kisto controller/processor, Unidisk 1.1 & Akurate 242, 225, and 212 loudspeakers review by David Robinson 2006
Linn Komponent Speaker System, Chakra C5100 Amplifier, and Unidisk SC Universal Disc Player Review by Michael Trei 2006
Stereophile - Linn in Products of the Year 1992-2006
Linn Majik System review. Absolute Sound 2007
Stereophile Interview with Ivor 2003
Footnote from Brian:
I was fortunate to become friends with musicians and DJ's including bass maestro Tony Levin, “The Emperor of the Bass Guitar” as Peter Gabriel describes him. I had visited Tony numerous times at his Woodstock home to install and look after his Linn system. Tony was also featured in an interview I arranged, which was published in the January 2001 issue of Stereophile.
Tony Levin and Peter Gabriel also had a huge influence on my (then younger) musician sons in the ” Art Of The Performance”, going with Tony to see him perform with Peter Gabriel in the Growing Up concert tour in Manchester, preceded by dinner with Tony at my home, now the home to brianandtrevors and House of Linn.
In the vinyl world of clubbing and disco, and a decade before the current vogue for vinyl listening events, I had the immense pleasure and challenge of setting up LP12 turntables from scratch for David Mancuso's famous Loft Parties and Love Saves The Day events in New York, Milan and Antwerp. With two fully loaded LP12 turntables and Linn 5103 Limbik processing driving 10,000 watt solid state PA systems in surround sound for up to 2,000 people - the sound was absolutely stellar and mesmerising at Mancuso's events - the most powerful and clean sound of Linn you could ever hear at that time. I learned from David, as I learned from Linn's owner and MD, Ivor. Both have an exacting discipline and understanding of presenting recorded music.
Our passion for Linn began as customers which we morphed into lengthy careers as Linn employees. We took our passion, product expertise and obsession for accurate set up, including the LP12 turntable. (There are some published myths about properly setting up an LP12 - there is no mystique, just straightforward understanding, skill and expertise).
We understand and practice “Source First” for building and upgrading Linn systems and know the Linn source and electronics hierarchy for upgrading Linn systems and how Linn can improve most hi-fi systems. We have fine ears for judging recorded music playback as those who have bought the brianandtrevors LP12 House Mat have already commented on this forum. Our skills continue to grow as we follow our interests and passion for music.
Our business model is to look after our clients from first conversations, dedicated personal appointments, home dems, installations and aftercare. We like to talk to clients and understand their system goals so all they have to do is Just Listen!
Thank you for reading and listening!
Kind regards
Brian & Trevor