Quadraspire have been enhancing the audio quality of our personal systems for more than 20 years and our customers' Hi Fi systems since we began our business in 2007.
Established by Dutch designer Eddie Spruit in an East London studio in 1995, Quadraspire have successfully expanded with a manufacturing facility south of Bath in the UK and is where all of their design, development and craftsmanship take place. To ensure quality sound performance Quadraspire use the tried and tested technique of tuning by ear in the same way as the finest musical instruments are developed.
We offer the modular, expandable and upgradeable range of Quadraspire audio furniture and media storage solutions. Read below about this extensive range of shelf options, upgrades, accessories and finishes. There is a Quadraspire solution for everyone from the entry level Evo range through to the best shelving systems manufactured from Bamboo.
Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.

Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.
SVT Bamboo

Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.

Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.

Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.

Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.

Click the Quadraspire Product Builder to build your furniture requirement which allows you to email us your order.
X Reference

Wall Bracket

Wall Bracket

Qube Cabinets CD Qube

Qube Cabinets HiFi Qube

Centre Speaker Stand
![Quadraspire-Centre_Speaker_Stand_black_wbg-cmyk[1] Quadraspire-Centre_Speaker_Stand_black_wbg-cmyk[1]](https://www.brianandtrevors.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Quadraspire-Centre_Speaker_Stand_black_wbg-cmyk1-300x199.jpg)
Centre Speaker Stand Bamboo

QPlus Evo

QPlus Advanced

QPlus Reference

SV Bronze Upgrade

Q4 Bronze Upgrade