Roon Labs
The music player for music lovers...
Forget everything you know about music players. Music is an experience, and Roon reconnects you with it.
The problem is...
In the transition from physical to digital media, something has been lost. We have more convenience than ever, but no feeling of excitement or engagement.

The solution is...
Roon looks at your music and finds photos, bios, reviews, lyrics, and concert dates, and makes connections between artists, composers, performers, conductors, and producers.
What you get is a searchable, surfable magazine about your music.

Music is in Roon's DNA...
Roon transforms the experience of browsing music. Artist photos, credits, bios, reviews, lyrics, tour dates, and composers are located automatically, then interconnected by links to build a surfable, searchable digital magazine about your collection.
And Roon finds all the same links between your personal files and the millions of tracks available on TIDAL, so you can start with the music you know, then explore and discover new music from the world beyond your collection.
In addition to music browsing, Roon is a multi-room, multi-user networked audio platform built to the exacting standards of audiophiles. It offers features like bit-perfect playback, DSD and PCM upsampling, multichannel playback, and signal path display.
Roon plays to a number of different types of devices on your home network – Roon Ready, AirPlay, Sonos, Squeezebox, Linn, Naim Audio and more – and can be controlled from Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android.
In order to ensure the best possible support for the modern digital audio home, brian and trevors demonstrate and sell the Roon Nucleus and Roon Nucleus+ audio servers.
Developed in collaboration with Intel, and designed for music and audio enthusiasts, Nucleus is the centerpiece of a high-performance multi-room music system that works with a huge family of audio products.
Now you don’t need a PC or NAS to enjoy music with Roon; just connect Nucleus to your network and control it from your phone, tablet, and Mac or Windows computer.

Roon Nucleus+
Nucleus+ is the center of your Roon music system. It’s the housekeeper, the traffic cop, and the brain that takes care of the music in your life. Using Nucleus+, Roon manages all your music – on hard drives, NAS, and streaming content – and allows you to play it on all the audio devices around your home. Nucleus is the best way to run Roon, at any price.
Just plug Nucleus+ into your network, connect your hard drives, download Roon remote apps (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows) and you’ll be ready to play music using a growing list of of audio devices, and a huge variety of USB DACs.
Aside from being a powerful, fanless music server, what sets Nucleus apart is that it’s powered by Roon OS – a fast and lightweight operating system optimized to do just one thing: browse and play music. Roon is a multi-room, multi-user networked audio platform built to the exacting standards of audiophiles, so it offers features like bit-perfect playback, DSD and PCM upsampling, multichannel playback, and signal path display.
As well as distributing music throughout your home, Nucleus+ also offers the very finest performance possible when connected to a USB DAC.
A computer source has never sounded this good before.
- Manages your music stored on USB hard drives, NAS, and streamed content from TIDAL
- Runs Roon OS and is controlled by the Roon apps for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows
- Streams music to Sonos®, AirPlay®, Devialet, KEF, Linn, Naim, Roon Ready, Meridian, USB, and Squeezebox audio devices
- Silent design with no fans or moving parts
- Nucleus+ employs a superior Intel Core i7 processor for the ultimate performance
- Requires a Roon subscription supplied for one year!
- Control4 and Crestron drivers available for home automation systems
Roon Nucleus
Nucleus is the center of your Roon music system. It’s the housekeeper, the traffic cop, and the brain that takes care of the music in your life. Using Nucleus, Roon manages all your music – on hard drives, NAS, and streaming content – and allows you to play it on all the audio devices around your home. Nucleus is the best way to run Roon, at any price.
Just plug Nucleus into your network, connect your hard drives, download Roon remote apps (iOS, Android, macOS, Windows) and you’ll be ready to play music using a growing list of audio devices, and a huge variety of USB DACs.
Aside from being a powerful, fanless music server, what sets Nucleus apart is that it’s powered by Roon OS – a fast and lightweight operating system optimized to do just one thing: browse and play music. Roon is a multi-room, multi-user networked audio platform built to the exacting standards of audiophiles, so it offers features like bit-perfect playback, DSD and PCM upsampling, multichannel playback, and signal path display.
As well as distributing music throughout your home, Nucleus also offers the very finest performance possible when connected to a USB DAC. A computer source has never sounded this good before.
- Manages your music stored on USB hard drives, NAS, and streamed content from TIDAL
- Runs Roon OS and is controlled by the Roon apps for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows
- Streams music to Sonos®, AirPlay®, Devialet, KEF, Roon Ready, Meridian, USB, and Squeezebox audio devices
- Silent design with no fans or moving parts
- Nucleus employs a premium Intel Core i3 processor for strong and stable performance
- Requires a Roon subscription supplied for one year!
- Control4 and Creston drivers available for home automation systems
Roon promotion - 1TB HDD supplied free of charge while stocks last!